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New Year Message from Dongjue Silicone Group

Time:2024-01-08 10:04Writer:djsilicone View:870

        All employees of Dongjue Silicone Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries:

        On the occasion of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Group, I would like to pay tribute to and express heartfelt thanks to each and every employee who has contributed to the development of Dongjue!
        We are waving goodbye to the turbulent year of 2023 and ushering in the promising year of 2024. Looking back on the past year, I am overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, which can be summarized in one sentence: We stand up to the challenges, we grow over time, and finally we’ll be rewarded.
        In the post-COVID era, the global political and economic situation has been getting more complicated. Instead of ushering in the expected economic recovery, we were caught in the whirlpool of slowing demand and downgrading consumption. The Group was under great pressure from the market and horizontal competition, putting us in a "difficult" situation the whole year. However, with the unremitting efforts of all of you, the Group saw a decline of sales volume by only 7% or so compared with the same period last year, much better than the average level of high temperature rubber industry. We worked together to maintain our market share.
        At every meeting of 2023, we emphasized that we should stick to the normalized management goal of the Group, i.e., "Adjust product structure, reduce production cost, improve management efficiency, and encourage innovative thinking"; in the face of the changes in the market competition pattern, the managers at all levels should, guided by this goal, think diligently, dare to try, and remain true to the original aspiration, and continue to tap the potential and increase the efficiency from each link to improve the overall competitiveness by relying on the operation system and the production technology system of Dongjue. Our stable position in the industry and another growth in the face of adversity would be impossible without the determination and efforts of every one of you.
        As the market as a whole is experiencing a setback, we have slowed down to trace the development history of the Group. Over the past 28 years, we have always been operating in good faith with a strong sense of social responsibility, and, as a result, have gained the respect of our competitors and the recognition of the market, as well as the sense of belonging of all employees. The Group will continue to improve various incentive mechanisms, encourage healthy competition among employees, and solicit your advice and suggestions on better corporate development, allowing you to gain more benefits from your loyalty and diligence.
        Mr. Xu Dangsheng, the Founder and Chairman of the Group, said in his welcome speech in 2007 that "Dongjue is the perfect work of silicone rubber undertaking to which he has devoted his whole life". Inspired by Chairman Xu, a visionary and charismatic entrepreneur, the first 28 years of Dongjue's development have been remarkable; and in the upcoming 2024, Dongjue is excited to enter a new era. We firmly believe that nothing is stronger than inner beliefs. Although there will be challenges one after another, all of us at Dongjue will set new records with a down-to-earth style and a firm and indomitable spirit.
        Thank you all!
        Finally, I wish you all a promising New Year. Let's meet new challenges and make another splendid achievement.

Li  Haiyan
Chairman and President
Dongjue Silicone Group Co., Ltd.
January 5, 2024
